Living the Fortunate Life
discovering how to live out our dream while growing a family, learning to homestead, and making our house our home
This policy is valid from 17 January 2017
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More About Me Here

Hi! I'm Cheryl,
and together with my husband and little boy, we are living the fortunate life on our newly acquired 34 acres of land.
I love beautiful things, whether in nature, people, or homes. For better or worse, I'm a Pinterest mom, and I love trying out new projects to better our home and our homestead ... not to say they always work out, though!
Thanks for joining us on our journey of faith and love. Here's hoping you enjoy following along with us as we have adventures...as well as misadventures...and maybe even find some inspiration for yourself along the way.
"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered."
G. K. Chesterton