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$100 Room Challenge - Island Reveal ...sorta...kinda

It has been exactly a month since we announced our intention to make over our kitchen island in one month for one hundred dollars as part of the $100 Room Challenge hosted by Erin over at Lemons, Lavender, and Laundry. What a month it has been!

A few short weeks ago, this is what we started with: a hand-me-down, second-hand cabinet from friends who had taken great care of it, but in need of a lot of updating and a little tlc.

Over the last few weeks, there have been a ton of updates made to this little space.

In week 1, I installed a pull-out garbage drawer where one of the cabinets had been. You can read all about that misadventure here....probably my hardest diy yet.

Then in Week 2, we cut some hobby boards (and by "we", I mean my father generously lent us his time, talents, and tools to do it for us - thank you!) to make new fronts, and the whole thing got an amazing update with some DecoArt Satin Enamel paint in gorgeous Deep Ruby.

Week 3 saw us continuing with more painting, and installing some modern hardware.

Finally, last week, we announced our intention to add a big project to be completed in the eleventh hour... a new countertop! Also last week, we broke our planner, which put a huge damper on our progress...and which has sadly prevented us from finishing up our work.

So instead of a beautiful, full reveal today, we will be showing you what we've got so far, and once our replacement part comes in, and we get the last of the work officially done, we will update this post with the actual reveal pictures.

So, so much better, even without being completed!!!

So heres what still needs to be done. The countertop is working well, but I will need to use a final piece of wood, about an inch's worth, to finish it all off - again once the planner works. Next, attach a board along the bottom back, to get rid of that bottom gap.

And lastly, plane and finish off the boards to attach to the side of the island to complete the "waterfall" look we were going for.

So here's one last look at where we were a few weeks ago... and where we are today.

Wow... I still can't believe it!

And here are everyone else's amazing reveals. Be sure to check them out.

And once our new part arrives, and we have finally, officially finished, I will update you all with the "official" reveal pictures!

***** Update*****

Hello, friends!

It's been almost a year now, so I'm finally here to update you on this project, and all that's happened in the mean time.

A few weeks after the 'reveal,' we received our new part in the mail, and my husband was able to fix the planer. Around this time, our baby's cleft palate surgery happened, so we weren't going to be working on this project at all during that time. The surgery went very well, and after the 6 week recovery period, we were into the nice weather of early summer. We spent most of our free time outside and in our garden, while all indoor projects were relegated to the back burner.

A few weeks ago, once we had officially settled into fall, we got back at it and finished off the island!! We planned and added the boards, and even decided to paint the back of the island with our left over red paint (which was not part of our original plan, but I'm SO glad we did).

So, though almost a year overdo 😬 here are our reveal pics!

Until next time!

God bless




Hi!  I'm Cheryl,

and together with my husband and little boy, we are living the fortunate life on our newly acquired 34 acres of land. 

I love beautiful things, whether in nature, people, or homes.  For better or worse, I'm a Pinterest mom, and I love trying out new projects to better our home and our homestead ... not to say they always work out, though!

Thanks for joining us on our journey of faith and love.  Here's hoping you enjoy following along with us as we have well as misadventures...and maybe even find some inspiration for yourself along the way.

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered.  An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered."

G. K. Chesterton




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