Living the Fortunate Life - even when it doesn't feel that way
I've been meaning to give a little background on why we chose this name for our blog, and while I intend to add a lot of this to a more filled out 'about me' section, I thought I'd start off by putting it in a post to get you all caught up.

So to start off with a little background information, my husband and I struggled with starting our little family for many years. Lots of trying, tests, and treatments. Lots of tears and wondering if the life we had dreamed of would ever become a reality.
In the summer of 2013, when we found out we were pregnant, we were determined to not take this immense blessing for granted. We were a high risk for miscarriage, so we were going to cherish this life for as long as we had it. Our bouncing baby boy made his grand entrance into the world (and at 10lbs it was quite the entrance!) the following winter. In the days and months of sleeplessness that followed, when the crying or fussiness started to get to us, we would look at each other and say, "we're livin' the dream!" Remembering all that time that we had longed for this made living the less glamorous times of parenthood -all the non-instagram moments- that much easier to bear.

Two years later when we moved to our homestead, it was very similar. We had been looking for our perfect home in the country for almost five years when we finally moved. Since our place is wood heated, there would be many a blustery day when one of us would have to go out to get more wood from our outside stash to replenish our indoor stocks. On those days, when we may not have felt like venturing out, we would remind ourselves, "we're livin the dream!"
During these little adventures, we told ourselves that if we ever started a blog that we would have to call it, 'living the dream.'

It would seem, however, that we weren't alone in that feeling. When we did start to plan this blog, after a little research, we discovered that there are a few 'living the dream-ers' out there. And so, after a little pondering, we decided to settle on a different description of the same thing: we are so fortunate and blessed to be living the life we are, with our family, and our home.
Much like the way we came up with our little saying, sometimes it doesn't feel like we are fortunate, let alone living a fortunate life, but it is precisely in those times that we have to stop and realize all the immense blessings we have been granted and see that, truly, we are living a fortunate life.

As I write this we are coming out of the recovery period for our second little boy's first of at least three surgeries (he was born with a cleft lip and palate). Even though all has gone well, it has been a difficult time. One of those times where you are searching, trying to remind yourself that you are living the dream, are blessed, and living the fortunate life. But we are. Through all our trials and tribulations, all the ups and downs, we are so blessed. Our littlest boy is SUCH a joy, and has added so much to our family. His "condition" has opened up discussions and relationships that we would not otherwise have had. It has made me realize my own limits, and encouraged me to reach out to others when that may not be what I would naturally be inclined to do. Blessings. Others have blessed us with their generosity, their prayers, their presence. We are indeed living the fortunate life - even when it doesn't feel that way and we need reminding - and it will only continue.

Thank you for your patience as we slowed down our posts over the newborn and surgery prep and recovery. We are hoping to get a little bit caught up with life in general now that this stage is behind us, and hope to be sharing more projects and more lessons from our fortunate life soon.
Until then...God bless you!