Mother's Day/Father's Day Edition
Hello everyone! It's been quite a while! I finally found a few minutes to give you all an update about what's been going on over here, and to let you know that I'm still alive. ;)
First off, the reason things have been so quiet here on the blog for the last few weeks is that this little guy arrived at the end of April!

We are overjoyed to welcome him into our midst, sleeplessness and all, and have been adjusting to life as a family of four.
All the adjusting and lack of sleep has meant that we haven't been too active in the project area of our lives. My main DIY project over the last few weeks has been this.

(Pumping...lots and lots of pumping!)
I have found a little time -emphasis on a little- to complete a couple of baby-related projects to make our lives easier, which I will share with you right away.
First off, I made a Moby-style wrap to help hold baby. I already have a k'tan style wrap that I absolutely loved with my first, and I still plan to use later, but baby was not enjoying the newborn hold at all. He has major gas issues, and it's just much more comfortable for him to be in an upright position vs a cradled one. After doing a little research, I figured he'd enjoy a Moby-style wrap, and found a few tutorials on how to make your own. I used this one to guide me, and used some material I had on hand. This material was originally intended to go towards a maxi dress, but the wrap seemed more pressing. Who knows, maybe it will reincarnate itself as a maxi dress yet! Anyhow, the wrap seems to be working out just fine, though a little long. Nothing a pair of scissors can't fix!

The other project I've been able to complete is making a few nursing tanks. I'm exclusively pumping (meaning I pump out milk and then feed it through a bottle - no formula), which means that shirts that provide cover as well as easy access are a must. I came across this great post by My Darla Clementine, and it has been a huge lifesaver. I bought a few inexpensive tanks at Walmart and was able to turn them into comfy, practical nursing/pumping tops. I live in these right now.

And to round off the Mother's Day portion of this post, I thought I'd share with you my Mother's Day weekend project from last year: fixing up our front door!
This was one of the first projects we did after moving in last year, and I honestly believe that nothing personalizes your home like adding your own colours and fixtures to your door, and making it truly your own!

We used foam rollers and three coats of exterior semi-gloss paint. You could probably get away with two, but I nicked the door after the second coat, and needed that third one to smooth everything over. This is from Canadian Tire, but from a line they have discontinued. Georgian Bay Blue from their new Premier line is probably the closest to what we used. I LOVE the look of blue next to red brick, and thought it would be a great way to honour our Mama in Heaven for Mother's Day (as Christians, if Jesus is our brother, then Mary is our Mother, and like any good Christian mother, she is always praying for us; so having a blue door seemed like a nice way of thanking her for all her prayers for us).

(Forgive the poor quality of the photos, please!)
I can't tell you how much of a difference this little project made, and I still smile every time I come up the front steps. :D
And since Father's Day was just a few days ago, I want to say a gigantic "Thank you!" to the wonderful father of my children, without whom none of this would be possible. Thank you for all you do everyday for all three of us. All your sacrifices, patience, and love (in no particular order :p ).

Hope you all had a great Father's Day (and Mother's Day too!).