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Christmas 2018 Home Tour

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Actually it's looked a lot like Christmas here for well over a month now, and while there was some rain a few days ago that threatened to wash all our snow away, we are still going strong on the snow front. And today I even managed to tidy enough of my home all at one time to get a few non-embarrassing, somewhat decent pictures to share with you today. #momwin

I love Christmas. The lead up to Christmas, the tension between the joyful anticipation and at the same time the weight of the not yet, all of it. I'm also a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas, and love me my green and red and silver and gold.

I pray that wherever you are this Christmas season, whether it's white or green, whether it's filled with joy surrounded by those you love, or marked with mourning; I pray that you know His love for you, and that it makes your Christmas a joyful one.

So without further ado, welcome to our 2018 Christmas Home Tour!

Welcome! Come on in.

To see how I made this pinecone wealth, have a look at my post here.

Even our entryway mirror and key hooks got a little spruced up. And some new extra wrapping paper is standing at the ready.

For our bench, we got some fur, and the pictures are dressed up with a few sprigs of greenery. These are just some cedar and pine sprigs from our trees outside, but they add such a festive spirit.

Also getting a little festive spirit from some branches is our little coffee corner in the kitchen. The print is from CatholicBox. Every month she sends out a different print, perfectly suited to the time and season. I love her December print for this year. It perfectly sums up this time of advent don't you think?

Along with stringing lights between the kitchen and dining room, we strung a string from which we hang all our Christmas cards.

Though they are beginning to get dry, I do love this little bucket of greenery. It brightens up this corner of the fireplace so nicely.

And now the piece de resistance. The tree. (You can just ignore the carpet that I didn't get to vacuum...:\ )

Our advent wreath. The pink candle had a rough time this year.

We have been keeping our eyes out for a little Marian shrine for our front yard for a while now, and just last week we found the perfect one. In this time of pondering the virgin birth, it seems so appropriate that we were able to install her here.

Merry Christmas everyone, from all of us to all of you!

Until next time,

God bless and Happy new year!




Hi!  I'm Cheryl,

and together with my husband and little boy, we are living the fortunate life on our newly acquired 34 acres of land. 

I love beautiful things, whether in nature, people, or homes.  For better or worse, I'm a Pinterest mom, and I love trying out new projects to better our home and our homestead ... not to say they always work out, though!

Thanks for joining us on our journey of faith and love.  Here's hoping you enjoy following along with us as we have well as misadventures...and maybe even find some inspiration for yourself along the way.

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered.  An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered."

G. K. Chesterton




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