Christmas 2018 Home Tour
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Actually it's looked a lot like Christmas here for well over a month now, and while there...

All About Pinecones
I don't know about your corner of the world, but here in the Ottawa/Gatineau valleys, we are in the in between time. The trees are bare,...

Week 4 Update - $100 Room Challenge Kitchen Island Countertop
Ever have a big project, and leave the most daunting, most challenging part to the very last? That's been me both times I've participated...

Week 3 of the $100 Room Challenge - Hardware and Shelves
Hello again! It's hard to believe that we are already in Week 3! Last week we left off with finally installing a difficult sliding...

Week 2 of the $100 Room Challenge - How NOT to Install an Ikea Drawer
There has been some exciting progress being made on this island over the last week and a bit. As you can imagine, when you have a...

The Big Reveal - $100 Room Challenge Entryway Edition
Greetings! Here we are! We made it to the final day of the month, which means that it's time to show you the results of the $100 Room...

$100 Room Challenge - Entryway Makeover Week 4 ... and a half
So you might be wondering about the delay in posting my progress for Week 4 of the $100 Room Challenge. I'm still here, slowly working...

DIY Painted Rug - Plowing Ahead in the $100 Room Challenge
Here we are in week 3 of the $100 Room Challenge! The end is in sight, and things are really coming together. This week was the biggest...

$100 Room Challenge - Getting it Done One Baby Step at a Time
Last week I announced that I was launching this blog, and joining in the $100 Room Challenge with the intention of refreshing our...

Let's get this started - $100 Room Challenge
I've been thinking about starting this blog for a while now, but needed something to really get me started. I'm a huge procrastinator so...