The Big Reveal - $100 Room Challenge Entryway Edition
Greetings! Here we are! We made it to the final day of the month, which means that it's time to show you the results of the $100 Room Challenge. For those of you who haven't been following along since the beginning, we basically took one room in our home and gave it an update, but were only allowed to use $100. A big thank you to Erin at Lemons, Lavender, and Laundry for hosting this great challenge, and inviting us to join along.
When I last checked in with you all for Week 4, there wasn't a whole lot to say. I had wanted to make the perfect, rustic entryway bench, but between colds and pregnancy, a nice pile o' wood was as far as we had gotten.
Well, thankfully, things did improve, and besides a minor false labour worry (for a short time we thought we might be revealing more than just our fancy new entryway!), things were able to proceed as scheduled for this week.
The cutting, and gluing, and clamping, all went according to plan (you can find the tutorial here), and the bench is absolutely gorgeous!
So, with that being said, let's get on with the reveal! Here's a look back at what we started with.

Remember this?
And here we are now.

Way back in Week 1, these were the goals I set out for our little room for this challenge:
-Sprucing up picture frames and hanging printables
-Installing a hook shelf for keys and such
-Beautifying our utilitarian rug
-Creating a bench with room for storage underneath
With that list in mind, we were able to accomplish all of our major goals. The bench should be stained, but with the cold setting us back, we ran out of time. It'll have to wait a little. We also have room for some cute storage under the new bench, but no budget left, so that will have to wait for a later date as well.
Speaking of budget...let's see how we made out, shall we? Here's our breakdown of costs, rounded slightly up or down.
Frames - free (already had -- originally purchased second hand for about 50 cents each... so $1.50)
Gold Spray paint - 10
Hooks - free (had purchased a while ago, waiting for this project -- originally $4)
Board - free (found in with our scraps)
Mounting tape - 4 (ended up using 3M Command strips)
Paint for rug - 40!!!! (this was a big blow, but really makes the space)
Painters tape - 10
Lumber - 20
Stain - 4 (will be using it for the bench)
Cushion and cover - 10
Lumbar cushion - free (already had the cushion and recovered it in fabric from a previous project)
Grand total: $98
(Phew!! That was close!)
If I hadn't of had to blow so much of the budget on the paint for the rug (read all about that adventure here), I would have been able to squeeze in a few extras, but it was not meant to be.
You may also have noticed that the little table under the mirror from Week 1 was replaced with a much bigger dresser. We've been doing a little (aka a lot) of reorganizing before baby comes, and the table ended up in the living room, and that dresser was on its way to the basement when it found a home under the mirror, by the door. Don't know how long it will live's a little big for the space, but, at the same time, seems to really work for us. Its great for all those mittens, and scarves, and tuques, and the plethora of paraphernalia that comes with living where snow is as deep as your toddler is tall for about 5 months out of the year! If it does stay, it will probably get a facelift ... especially after seeing how some of the other bloggers in the Challenge were really able to transform their spaces and furniture with a little paint. But that'll be for another time.
Thank you all so much for joining me on this little transformation journey. It's been great to have your feedback and to see your enthusiasm. There will be more good stuff to share in the weeks and months to come.
Be sure to check out all the amazing spaces in the links below.
Until next time,