Simple Fall Wreath -Decor for the Rest of Us
With a September that felt more like a second crack at August now behind us, we are finally into the thick of fall around here with...

Harvest 2018: the Year of the Zucchini
We are finishing up our harvest here after our first real year of having a garden on our homestead, so I thought I would share with you...

Ashes to Ashes
Ashes seemed like an appropriate topic to talk about during Lent what with theme of repentance during this time, and the Bible's many...

Week 4 Update - $100 Room Challenge Kitchen Island Countertop
Ever have a big project, and leave the most daunting, most challenging part to the very last? That's been me both times I've participated...

Week 3 of the $100 Room Challenge - Hardware and Shelves
Hello again! It's hard to believe that we are already in Week 3! Last week we left off with finally installing a difficult sliding...

Week 2 of the $100 Room Challenge - How NOT to Install an Ikea Drawer
There has been some exciting progress being made on this island over the last week and a bit. As you can imagine, when you have a...

New Year - New $100 Room Challenge
Happy New Year, everyone! We are still in Christmas mode over here, celebrating the full 12 days of Christmas. While I totally...

Living the Fortunate Life - even when it doesn't feel that way
I've been meaning to give a little background on why we chose this name for our blog, and while I intend to add a lot of this to a more...

Mother's Day/Father's Day Edition
Hello everyone! It's been quite a while! I finally found a few minutes to give you all an update about what's been going on over here,...

Homesteading - What does it mean & how do we do it?
So when I started this blog, I had the thought that I would include a few posts about homesteading, and how we were doing that. I quickly...